
These workshops are a stepping stone, a way for you to begin raising your conscious awareness of the choices you have in your life. Working and coaching together in a group can be a powerful way to gain more insights for your own life. In the end, the learning we do from each other helps us see how much we have in common, brings awareness to the struggles we all share, and helps us celebrate each other’s progress.

My current clients will receive a discount on the cost of these workshops, but EVERYONE is welcome.
Bring a guest, I will provide a 10% discount on the cost!

Being Fearless

$67 | 3 Hours Total
VIP Cost $197 | Workshop + 2 Personal Sessions*
Dates: June 23, 24 at 6:00-7:30 PM PST

Fear is born from our mind’s desire to keep us safe. It often uses known experiences of the past to hold us captive in our comfort zone, but realizing our dreams or our purpose isn’t about repeating our past, is it?

Beyond our comfort zone is where all new and exciting things exist, and if we can learn to keep looking forward to what we want and challenge our fears with small steps, then we can slowly learn the path to fearlessness.

Day One
I will start off the group by sharing my story of my dream and the thoughts that kept me from doing what I do today. Hearing each other’s stories can help us begin to recognize the whispers of our own minds, and help us connect to push through our comfort zones together.

-Class Length 1.5 Hours

Day Two
Today we will begin by creating our individual plans to work with the thoughts that hold us back. Then we will define our first reasonable steps that we can take to begin manifesting our dreams.

-Class Length 1.5 Hours

The VIP crew will have two 1:1 coaching appointments with me. The first will help them address the most believable thoughts that hold them back, and the second will provide one on one attention for helping to keep focus on the future and moving forward.

Value Alignment

$67 | 3 Hours Total or VIP Cost
$197 | Workshop + 2 Personal Sessions*
Dates: Oct 19, 20 at 6:00PM PST

Our values are the guidebook by which we live our lives, and taking a closer look to discover and name our values can also help us clearly see the origin of their creation.

When we get our lives aligned with our current values we begin to feel a greater connection to our true self, and every time we honor our own boundaries around these values, it is an acknowledgement that who we are is worthy of support and acknowledgement.

Day One

Prior to our first class I will send out a Values Assessment to help discover how YOU rate certain values in your life. We will take some time to explore the origins of these values, and where you might see them affecting your choices.

-Class Length 1.5 Hours

Day Two

We will learn new tools to help identify when a value that’s holding us back might be one based on fear. We will also do some group coaching to help learn new ways to align with our values and inspire ourselves to move forward.

-Class Length 1.5 Hours

The VIP crew will have two 1:1 coaching appointments with me. The first will be a deeper focused coaching on the Values worksheet, and the second will help you identify the choices you are currently making that do/don’t align with your values.

Reducing Overwhelm
Building the Supports
for Choice and Change

$97 | 4.5 Hours Total
VIP Cost $247 | Workshop + 2 Personal Sessions*
Dates: Next Dates TBD

Overwhelm happens when we overburden ourselves beyond our capacity. Learning to first identify what pushes us beyond our limits and then what grounds us back to ourselves can help us begin to LIVE again.

Day One
Why do we allow ourselves to become overwhelmed? Identifying what pushes us to to keep piling on more and more until we break creates the awareness we need to choose another way.
- Class length 1.5 hours

Day Two
What are the values that embody YOU? We will take time to look at our values and see how our overburdened selves crave to be realigned with what matters most in our lives.

- Class length 1.5 hours

Day Three
Now that we know what pushes us to overwhelm, and have learned the power of aligning with our values, we will create your individual plan that will help you begin to navigate your triggers in the future.

- Class length 1.5 hours

The VIP crew will have two 1:1 appointments with me to put further attention to identifying their values, and for assistance in creating their individual plan for how to start making time to live again.