An image of a women walking a labyrinth that is on top of a cliff overlooking the ocean, she is just a few short steps from reaching the center. Photo by Ashley Batz.

Personal Empowerment & Self Worth Coaching for Women

Coaching women over 40 to fearlessly make space for being who they are, so they can stop shrinking to fit their fears.

Self Worth, the Missing Peace in Your Personal Puzzle

As a recovering people pleaser, I have spent a good portion of my life exhausted. The effort involved in trying to keep everyone else happy required mind reading, watching people’s body language, listening for verbal cues, all the while pushing down my own needs as something I would get to “later”.

The reason I did this for so many years was because the appreciation I received from others was the easiest way I could see my own value. The more insecure I was, the harder I worked to get kudos from others. For any of you who recognize this pattern, you know it’s NOT full proof because there are just as many times that your efforts go unappreciated…and THAT can lead to disappointment, resentment, and deeper feelings of insecurity.

The truth is, we can’t control what others think, feel, believe, or say about us…even if we drive ourselves to be “perfect” in our efforts.

So we need to make a choice.

To live life exhausted, and victimized by our own fears that hold us in this pattern,


to begin the journey towards honoring who we were born to be in this life. and showing our scared inner kiddos that we can be trusted to courageously protect them.

As a woman who is walking this path, I can say that this transformation is not only possible, but POWERFUL. Your effort to exist goes from a Level 25/10 to 1/10, because making that one choice to BE YOU…mushrooms into another and another until you are standing there wondering why you didn’t make these choices sooner.

So if you are ready to feel energized by your life and your relationships instead of exhausted by the demands your fears are creating on your time, punch that “Work With Me” button so we can find that light within you that is ready to shine …brilliantly, and magnificently.

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Upcoming Workshops

Click the link above to purchase your place in the workshop.
June 23, & 24 6-7:30PM PST



What Coaching IS…

Coaching is fairly new to the scene of self care, and can easily be confused with therapy, but they are inherently different.

My quick description is that Coaching is a tool to help you get where you know you want to go in life, and Therapy offers the support you need when you don’t have the strength or the ability to even look ahead.

Even when we have goals and a desire to get there, our thoughts can still get in our way. They are products of habit, others’ influential beliefs, and our fears. Thoughts have the power to make us feel so many things, and those feelings can cause us to act in ways that don’t align with where we want to go.

Coaching helps you bring awareness to these thoughts and to NEW ways of thinking. The result is a sense of excitement and willingness to engage in life, causing us to take actions that fully support our goals.

I love educating people about Coaching so I created a whole FAQ page that’s dedicated to the questions I get about what I love to do.

What’s Possible